Thursday, 10 January 2008

Leicester Mercury

A SCHOOL teacher is preparing for the trip of a lifetime to work with disadvantaged children in Nepal.Stephen Massey is to take up his second placement with international development charity VSO in March.Mr Massey, 36, has already spent three years training and advising teachers in the East African country of Eritrea and now plans to spend a further two doing similar work in Nepal.The teacher, of Letchworth Road, in Western Park, Leicester, plans to maintain contact with several primary schools in the UK and share his experiences with them both during and after his placement.He said: “I have never been to Nepal or anywhere else in Asia so I’m looking forward to experiencing a very different culture from anything I’m used to.“I’ll be glad to escape the traffic, pace of life and materialism of the UK, but I’ll miss my family and friends.”In an attempt to minimise the environmental impact of his time abroad, Mr Massey plans to make all but the last section of the journey to Nepal by rail.For information on volunteering, call the charity on 020 8780 7500 or visit: